Top 10 job hunting “don’ts” from a recruiting expert — Young Professionals of Knoxville | Connect. Develop. Serve.

Top 10 job hunting “don’ts” from a recruiting expert

By Amanda Freuler

Job hunting? Which really feels more like job crawling? Avoid missing out on new job opportunities with a few simple DON’Ts from my interview with recruiter Amanda Hurley. 

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Amanda Hurley is a seasoned recruiter and section manager at Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU). In this role, she recruits for various government agencies that utilize ORAU’s Workforce Solutions talent acquisition team. She has over a decade of sales and recruiting experience, and previously worked at where she worked with large and small businesses to develop recruiting strategies.

That being said, she has seen it all from job candidates, and these are her top 10 recruiting pet peeves. 

1.     Poor grammar and typos in applications and resumes. 

Often, the resume and an application is my first impression of the candidate. When I see multiple typos, misspellings and poor grammar, it leaves me to think that this candidate is a poor communicator or lacks attention to detail.

2.     Ghosting after accepting an offer. 

I understand it is a competitive market and you may have multiple job offers on the table, but do not agree to accept a job and then stop returning calls because you have decided to go a different route. Be up front and communicate.

Be up front and communicate.
— Amanda Hurley

3.     When your email address is 

Set up a separate email for your job hunt that's some iteration of your name. It's easy enough to create a new Gmail account for free.

4. Missaying or misspelling a company name

Much like your significant other, I don’t like it when you call my company by the wrong name. No one ever means to do this, you are probably submitting multiple cover letters and resumes, but proofread before submitting.

5. Failure to elaborate   

On an application, if I ask you a question, don’t answer it by stating “see resume” or “see LinkedIn page.” Trust me, I’ve seen both and I want to know more.

6.     When your high school is still listed on your resume. 

Unless you are in high school, you can remove it. Pro tip: Three to five years after college or graduate school graduation, you can actually move your "Education" section to the bottom of your resume. Again, the only time you wouldn't want to do this is if you connected with someone through an alumni network, or if you know an executive there also went to your school.

7.     When you list your responsibilities but not your accomplishments. 

You made 100 phone calls per day. Great, but what was the result?

8.     Not including a cover letter. 

I love a great cover letter. Here is why, no one submits them anymore. Want to stand out? Submit a cover letter. It gives a little insight into your communication style.

9.     Not doing your homework. 

I don’t expect you to know everything about my company, but I do expect that you have at least visited our website and checked out what we are talking about on social media. Pro tip: follow the companies where you would like to work on social media and interact with them.

10.  Lack of loyalty. 

I get it. You want out of your current role, but don’t bash your old employer or throw your boss under the bus. It only makes you look petty. 

Amanda Hurley enjoys helping others brand themselves for their next career step. Find her on LinkedIn at



Amanda Freuler is a Communications and Marketing Specialist with Oak Ridge Associated Univerisities (ORAU). She graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 2017 and was eager to come home to the Knoxville area and reconnect with professionals her age. Amanda has been in YPK since the fall of 2018. When she's not writing and creating content, you can find her perusing local antique stores, exploring new Knoxville eateries with friends or planning her next vacation abroad.
