Young Professionals of Knoxville | Connect. Develop. Serve.

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The YPK Member Directory – It Exists for a Reason!

Did you know we have a directory of all of our members? It’s optional to have your profile visible to other members but, if you do, there are all sorts of benefits! Check out all of the ways the directory can be valuable to you, then login to today to complete your profile. 

Build relationships. This one may be obvious and a bit broad but the majority of our members joined specifically to connect with others on an individual basis. It’s not all about YPK-hosted events, community involvement and professional development. A profile allows you to share more about yourself, both personally and professionally. Let people know you’re into discovering new hiking trails or that you’d love to connect with other professionals in your field. 

Make career moves. Are you on the job hunt or, at least open to new opportunities? Browse members to find folks in your industry and ask them out for a cup of coffee. You never know if their company may be hiring or if they know of a position at another company. They may also have tips or insights on who else to connect with. Maybe their senior leadership is dedicated to mentoring professionals in their field – There’s no one better to make that introduction than someone they already trust. 

Discover talent. On the other side of things, you can search for that perfect person to hire. Maybe you want your company to hire someone that you know is going to be great to work with. Given the social nature of YPK, there’s no need to invite a person for a formal interview immediately. Grab a drink and discuss their professional aspirations and interests. We have incredibly talented individuals in our membership and, you never know, you might already be connected to the perfect fit for your company. Not quite the right fit but bursting with that talent I just mentioned? You might just be the contact they need to connect them to the perfect role for them. 

Reduce your pile of business cards. Picture this: You’re at a YPK event and meet someone you’d love to connect with one-on-one in the future. You text them your number, save their name in your contacts and maybe add “YPK” to their last name so you can easily search for them later. (I admit, guilty as charged!) A month goes by and you decide you want to call up that cool person you met that’s into rock climbing. You search YPK in your contacts and BAM! A dozen contacts magically populate and you can’t remember if it was Chris, Alex, or Jess that offered to show you their favorite spot for free climbing. What do you do? Go to the YPK member directory and search rock climbing. Because they’re a really cool member, they have their profile completely filled out and they definitely mentioned their passion for climbing.   

Make friends. Many of our members (Guilty again!) come to YPK as transplants to Knoxville. They may have even moved here for a new job but they’re still looking for friends they can decompress with on the weekends. Share your interests and experiences and connect with someone you think would be fun to get to know on a more personal level. We can point to so many lifelong friendships that were built through YPK!

A note about what the directory is not for... Dating. If you meet the love of your freakin’ life at a YPK event, great! But, please don’t contact members specifically for this purpose. YPK prides itself on fostering an inclusive environment that makes members and nonmembers feel welcome and safe. Adding that romantic angle can sometimes make people feel uncomfortable and that’s absolutely not what we’re about. Seriously, don’t do this. 

Connect. Develop. Serve. It’s our motto! And, it doesn’t have to only happen at YPK events or even in a group setting. Complete your profile, browse the directory, and start connecting! We even have a helpful blog post to help you get started. Not yet a member but want to get in all of this goodness? Join here to gain access to the member directory and a whole slate of events only open to members! Got questions? Contact us a

Written By: Ellie Gunn, Membership Co-Chair