Young Professionals of Knoxville | Connect. Develop. Serve.

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Get to Know YPK Board Member At Large, Amanda Middleton!

Who is a leader you admire?

Can it be someone fictional? Because I’m currently going through Parks and Recreation on Netflix and I think we should all aspire to be more like Leslie Knope! Her character is an inspiration to her team, a charismatic force to be reckoned with, and a thoughtful/kind individual to the people in her community. If everyone had a fraction of her positivity, the world would be a better place.

How do you think Young Professionals of Knoxville contributes to our community?

YPK is a driving force in connecting young professionals with community leaders and organizations in Knoxville. We hear “networking is key” all of the time and YPK has been amazing at developing events and programs that provide young professionals the opportunity to do just that. When we’re more connected, the better our community will be for it.

What has been your most memorable experience with YPK?

I would say my most memorable moments have been the friends that I’ve made just being in YPK. I’ve met some fabulous people from all walks of life. It’s been a joy and pleasure to get to know each of them. 

What are you currently reading, watching and listening to?

As I mentioned earlier, my current Netflix binge is Parks and Recreation. After having it referenced every day for a whole week from different people, I figured it was about time. I’m on Season 7 and it has not disappointed, definitely worth the watch! For reading, I just finished Francine Rivers’ The Masterpiece, highly recommend. Music-wise, I’ve been bouncing around different genres. I’m currently listening to a Spotify playlist titled “Songs to Sing in the Car.”

When you're not at work where can people find you?

If I’m not at work, you can probably find me at my church, Sevier Heights, where I volunteer with the children’s ministry and choir. I can also be found hanging out with friends, checking out the new Cinebarre Theatre, or at home with my cat, Neville.