Join the YPK Spring 2018 Class!
Young Professionals of Knoxville (YPK) exists to connect and develop leaders and to serve our community. Each spring, we recruit those who live, work, and play in Knoxville who want to plug into the community even further. “I've been given so much support through YPK,” says YPK President Lindsey Clark, “Being surrounded by other people striving to develop their careers, get involved in the community, and just frankly trying to make new friends gives a sense of relief that we are not alone.”
Young Professionals of Knoxville members along with members of Knoxville Area Urban League learning about Pilot Flying J at an exclusive professional development event hosted at the company's headquarters.
In addition to quarterly general membership meetings there are three types of events: social, professional development, and community outreach. “Every event is intentional,” says YPK Membership Chair Tyger Glauser, “From hosting socials and membership meetings around town to showcase the vibrant spaces Knoxville has to offer, to hosting behind-the-scenes tours of prominent local businesses, to volunteering in the community; YPK does it all to showcase what Knoxville has to offer.”
YPK operates under the leadership of a 17-member volunteer board and 7 committees that members can join to move forward the organization’s mission. In short, YPK is a member-driven organization – we need you! Right now is a great time to join because if you apply by May 6 you will be introduced as a part of the Spring 2018 YPK class.
Young Professionals of Knoxville members participating in the South Knoxville Cleanup with Keep Knoxville Beautiful
- Get your employer to sponsor you. Your employer might be willing to pay your YPK dues - it doesn't hurt to ask! Connecting with the community is important in retaining young professionals in Knoxville -- many businesses value that and will cover your dues.
You will expand your network. With nearly 200 members, YPK is the premier young professional group in Knoxville. Members include community leaders, executives of companies and nonprofits, and men and women taking an active interest in the development of the Knoxville community.
You get out what you put in. Once you apply and pay dues, there is no attendance requirement, policy, or consequence for not attending events. Come to what interests you, and maybe try something new. You never know who you'll meet. But you've got to show up (and maybe bring a friend!) Check out some of our upcoming events.
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