Whether you’re an entrepreneur, an employee, a leader of a team or division or you want to tackle the WHY of your organization, discovering your WHY injects passion into your work.
Get to Know YPK Professional Development Chair, Amie Cohorst!
YPK provides the platform we need to continue to make Knoxville a great place to live. Whether it's giving members access to behind the scenes tours with local companies, exposing folks to non-profit organizations and how to be involved, or making a new friend, there's really something our organization can provide for everyone.
Get to Know YPK Board Member At Large, Shana Love!
Member Directory
On July 1, 2018, Young Professionals of Knoxville (YPK) will launch a member directory at ypknox.com exclusively for YPK members. In addition to being highly visual and interactive, the new directory will have a powerful search feature allowing members to search over 200 member profiles by name, position, company, and even interests.
Let’s Do Lunch!
Young Professionals of Knoxville (YPK) has launched a new personal and professional development series – Let’s Do Lunch! Are you passionate about something? Do you have an interesting hobby? Are you a subject expert in a field at work? Your fellow YPK members want to hear about it, and there is no limit on the topic you can present!
Congratulations to the 2018 Leadership Certificate Program Graduates!
The Young Professionals of Knoxville would like to congratulate the graduates of the 2018 Leadership Certificate program. These young professionals completed an 8-week intensive course, learning how to set and achieve personal and professional goals, discussing leadership and the qualities of a good leader, and discovering their own strengths and how to apply them at work and in the community.
Welcome Spring 2018 Membership Class!
Top Ten Reasons to Join YPK
Get to Know YPK Membership Co-Chair, Hannah Klein
YPK does so much to help connect individuals who may not have had an opportunity to meet otherwise. I work in Oak Ridge, and it is not easy to meet fellow young professionals in Knoxville. YPK has introduced me to a vast network of interesting, driven, caring people. Honestly, most of my friends and social life stem from YPK!